Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Beware, American taxpayer...

As you've probably head all this week and last, AIG, a major American insurance company, was bought out by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. How much? $85 billion. You wonder where all this money comes from? The Federal Government. Because economy and cash supply is so low, the Feds purchase bad loans to inject money into the system. In other words, to increase the money supply. On top of this AIG buyout, Bush Administration and Congressional leaders call for a mortgage buyout as well; you've heard 100's of 1000's of homes planned to be foreclosed within the next year in the Bay Area alone, I'm sure. (KRON 4 News) This mortgage buyout alone will total a whoppin' $700 billion. $85 billion for AIG and $700 billion for bad mortgage loans. Of course the Fed's do not pull this money out the ass, so who the fuck pays for this shit, as well as all the other "bad loans" the Fed's plan on buying?! The American taxpayer. Son of a bitch...

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