Monday, March 16, 2009

Another AIG issue.

After receiving $173 billion in bailouts in the past six months, a bailout that the AVERAGE American must pay for, AIG plans on distributing $165 million in bonus pay to it's executives. What's wrong with this picture?

1. Everyday, millions of Americans bust their asses to meet their responsibilities. They do this, every single day, without multi-billion dollar bailouts, without multi-million dollar bonuses. On top of that, small business are struggling greatly, just to keep their credit line open.

2. The bonus that AIG wants to distribute is going towards AIG's executives, the same tiny group of people who crafted complicated deals that wound up shaking the world's economic foundations. They share $165 million, while you and I, get jack shit.

Obama is outraged, and plans on doing whatever he can to prevent this from happening.

Fuck this shit. Just my .02.

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