Monday, December 8, 2008

Long time no post.

It's been a while. Been stupid-ass busy with school and work. Exam after exam, quiz after quiz; I can't wait until the semester ends. I go to school three days a week, work 5 days a week. No days off. Fuck, I need one! But theres only two more weeks, so it couldn't be that bad, right? Anways...

Thanksgiving was great. Managed to go home and kick it with the folks and my two brothers. Ate plenty of food, did nothin' but hang around the house in sweats and socks. Shiiiiiit, it was dope doin' absolutely nothin'. I needed that. Black Friday was dope too. I ain't get a LCD flat-panel television for $400 like a few lucky square-bear-ass dude's I know. However, I did make it to Staples to buy the last terabyte, 1000GB, external hard drive for 80 bones. 8GB memory card for the Blackberry for $9.99 too. Pretty dope come up.

But I just finished up some homework, and decided to surf the web for ideas of what my future crib is to look like. Here's what I came across, and figure was worth sharing. Until next time!

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